Oct 27, 2017
Blogging Besties: Hot Pink
Blogging Besties is a weekly series featuring Whitney of Whitney à la mode, Alex of The Cheerful Closet, Maricel of ::My Closet Catelogue:: and Selah of A Bibliophile's Style. Each week, one of the bloggers will choose one component from the previous week's outfit to pass on in a brand new look. This "take one, pass it on" challenge is an inspiration to stretch your closet and your imagination!
Isn't Alex always the epitome of office chic?! And last week was no different!
From her outfit, Alex challenged me to pass on stripes, hot pink or a statement necklace. I immediately knew that I wanted to style the hot pink coat that I purchased in Belgium now that it's actually cool enough to wear it! And in planning my outfit, I kind of forgot that stripes were an option as well. I guessed I checked two boxes with this outfit!
I'm looking forward to styling this statement coat in a lot of different ways, but for it's first outing I really wanted it to be European-chic so I stuck with basic black and white stripes and d'Orsay flats.
Selah, your choices for next week are a statement jacket, black and white, or pointed-toe flats.

Oct 25, 2017
Common Threads Challenge: Week 3
Is the Common Threads Challenge flying by, or is it just me? I feel like this series has motivated me to use some of my lesser-worn pieces and to dress more intentionally and creatively. Those were my original goals when I started Whitney à la mode, so I think I've been pretty successful in this challenge!
Although I do feel myself slowing down so I'm glad the month is almost up! On the mornings that I'm super tired, I'm finding myself frustrated with having to wear a a pre-planned outfit that I don't want to wear or being tied to certain pieces in my closet. All good things must come to an end, right?
If you missed the beginning of the CTC, here are my previous posts:
And now let's get to my Week 3 outfits!
October 16th featuring my Mustard Cardigan: This sweater is always one of my favorites but I've been particularly fond of pairing it with neutrals this fall!
October 17th featuring my Olive Skirt: This is a piece that's been in my closet for years but rarely gets worn. I'm really glad that I've been able to remix it so much during this challenge but I am afraid the people are starting to notice that I wear it once a week. I'm probably just paranoid...
October 18th featuring my Skinny Jeans: Okay, so I kind of cheated. The particular skinny jeans I chose for this challenge weren't very comfortable. And these jeans are. So I switched. That's allowed, right?!
October 19th featuring my Tunic: I totally stole this outfit idea from Ada. Thanks, friend, for helping me out when I'm starting to run out of fresh ideas!
October 20th featuring my Ankle Boots: Gotta love dressing down on a Friday! Although it was picture day. Who wants to do picture day on a Friday!?
October 21st featuring my Skinny Jeans: Happy Game Day! The Spartans won, if you were wondering.
And on Sunday, I wore my pajamas all day! Sorry not sorry.
Don't forget to link-up your looks for the CTC below!

Oct 20, 2017
Blogging Besties: Something Sensible
Blogging Besties series is the brain child of Alex @ The Cheerful Closet and Whitney @ Whitney à la Mode. In 2015, the series expanded to include yours truly @ My Closet Catalogue and Selah @ A Bibliophile's Style. It's based on the idea of "take one, pass it on," but we're passing on an element from another blogger's outfit. It's a fun challenge that inspires us to be creative!
Last week, Maricel challenged me to wear something white, something oversized, or something sensible. I am nothing if not sensible, so for this week I styled one of the most sensible pieces I own--my interview dress.
Rather than the conservative way I usually style it for interviews (neutral blazer w/ matching wedges) I went for more "fun" this time since it was just a regular workday! I pulled out colors from the pattern and chose my accessories/completer piece in those colors--the pink of the cardigan, the navy of the necklace, and the maroon of the flats.
Next week, Whitney can choose from the following: stripes, hot pink, or a statement necklace!

Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Moda: Ankle Boots and Basic Tops
Happy Friday Junior, friends! I'm so ready for a weekend full of Spartan football and relaxing (read: unpacking boxes) at home. But before we get there, I'm back with another Thursday Moda link-up with my good blogging buddy and co-collaborator in the Common Threads Challenge, Ada.
We picked so many similar items for the CTC that we decided to showcase some of our outfits together! Last week we featured our mustard cardigans and today we're back with two pieces: ankle boots and a basic top.
I love that both of our pairs of ankle boots have interesting side detailing. I don't know about you, but I have a few pairs of booties now that they've been in style for a few fall seasons. It's fun to add pairs that are a bit unique
Okay, so I love Ada's take on the plan, v-neck top so much that I might try to recreate this look tomorrow (stay tuned for next week's CTC post to see if I pulled it off). I have a similarly-colored cardigan and some denim trousers that will work for a day of teaching!
Alright, stylish friends! Please link-up your best fashion posts below and thanks for stopping by today!
We picked so many similar items for the CTC that we decided to showcase some of our outfits together! Last week we featured our mustard cardigans and today we're back with two pieces: ankle boots and a basic top.
I love that both of our pairs of ankle boots have interesting side detailing. I don't know about you, but I have a few pairs of booties now that they've been in style for a few fall seasons. It's fun to add pairs that are a bit unique
Okay, so I love Ada's take on the plan, v-neck top so much that I might try to recreate this look tomorrow (stay tuned for next week's CTC post to see if I pulled it off). I have a similarly-colored cardigan and some denim trousers that will work for a day of teaching!
Alright, stylish friends! Please link-up your best fashion posts below and thanks for stopping by today!

Oct 18, 2017
Common Threads Challenge: Week 2
Well hello! I hope you're all having awesome and stylish weeks! For those of us participating in the Common Threads Challenge, we're over halfway done. Can you believe it?! I'm still loving this series and how it's stretching my creativity and my closet.
Previous Common Threads Challenge Posts:
The Pieces
Week One
But y'all, one thing I've learned about myself is, no matter the intention to get dressed, I will wear leggings and a sweatshirt on the days when I don't have to leave the house. And I had two of those days this week. So here you are, the five outfits I wore for the CTC this week!
October 10th featuring my Tunic: I'm pretty darn pleased with this outfit! I wore it during a sixish hour drive to Madison, Wisconsin. Even though I was wearing leggings and a fuzzy tunic, the scarf and d'Orsay flats made me feel very put-together.
October 11th featuring my Skinny Jeans: Like I mentioned in a previous post, I knew I would be attending lots of sporting events this month so I included my skinny jeans as one of my five items. Nothing beats jeans and a sweatshirt, right?! Go Edgewood Eagles!
October 12th featuring my Ankle Boots: I purchased this swingy, boxy cardigan in Belgium and have been waiting for the weather to be cool enough to wear it! They are all the rage in Europe this season, by the way. I thought it would look classic and chic with stripes and these ankle boots! I felt great for a day touring Milwaukee and the Lakefront Brewery.
October 13th featuring My Ankle Boots: Ever since my boyfriend told be about a local apple orchard and shop, I've been so excited about spending a fall day there. And this was the day! We found our way through a corn maze, tasted wine, went for a hayride and enjoyed donuts and cider. Shades of olive and the ever-popular blanket scarf felt so very fall for this autumn excursion.
October 14th featuring my Tunic: Okay, so I did manage to get dressed on one of my lazy days this week. Although I was quite productive despite not leaving my house. Anyways, at least I'm wearing one of my pieces even though it's not that exciting, right?
So I realize that I didn't wear my mustard cardigan or olive skirt this week! That's probably because I think of them more as "work" pieces and I had the week off. Don't worry, they are getting lots of wear and you will see them again soon!
And don't forget to link-up your Common Threads Challenge looks below!
Previous Common Threads Challenge Posts:
The Pieces
Week One
But y'all, one thing I've learned about myself is, no matter the intention to get dressed, I will wear leggings and a sweatshirt on the days when I don't have to leave the house. And I had two of those days this week. So here you are, the five outfits I wore for the CTC this week!
October 10th featuring my Tunic: I'm pretty darn pleased with this outfit! I wore it during a sixish hour drive to Madison, Wisconsin. Even though I was wearing leggings and a fuzzy tunic, the scarf and d'Orsay flats made me feel very put-together.
October 11th featuring my Skinny Jeans: Like I mentioned in a previous post, I knew I would be attending lots of sporting events this month so I included my skinny jeans as one of my five items. Nothing beats jeans and a sweatshirt, right?! Go Edgewood Eagles!
October 12th featuring my Ankle Boots: I purchased this swingy, boxy cardigan in Belgium and have been waiting for the weather to be cool enough to wear it! They are all the rage in Europe this season, by the way. I thought it would look classic and chic with stripes and these ankle boots! I felt great for a day touring Milwaukee and the Lakefront Brewery.
October 13th featuring My Ankle Boots: Ever since my boyfriend told be about a local apple orchard and shop, I've been so excited about spending a fall day there. And this was the day! We found our way through a corn maze, tasted wine, went for a hayride and enjoyed donuts and cider. Shades of olive and the ever-popular blanket scarf felt so very fall for this autumn excursion.
October 14th featuring my Tunic: Okay, so I did manage to get dressed on one of my lazy days this week. Although I was quite productive despite not leaving my house. Anyways, at least I'm wearing one of my pieces even though it's not that exciting, right?
So I realize that I didn't wear my mustard cardigan or olive skirt this week! That's probably because I think of them more as "work" pieces and I had the week off. Don't worry, they are getting lots of wear and you will see them again soon!
And don't forget to link-up your Common Threads Challenge looks below!

Oct 17, 2017
Bridging the Gap Campaign: Lana
Over the course of the past four years, blogging has brought so many fun opportunities to my doorstep. From amazing blogging friendships to fun sponsorships, I never expected this little hobby to bring so much to my life. And today, today marks another amazing collaboration here at Whitney à la mode! I'm taking part in an unprecedented blogging campaign featuring 200 phenomenal bloggers: The Bridging the Gap Campaign!
My wonderful friend, Lana, from My New Happy so graciously invited me to be a part of this campaign. She chose me as her millennial as we've paired-up for this event. I "met" Lana online when I joined The Blended Blog and then met her in real life when a bunch of TBB'ers joined-up in Toronto in May! What I love about Lana is her calming, positive presence. Spending time with her makes you feel good about life!
Our task for the Bridging the Gap Campaign is to introduce each other on our blogs and we chose to do so in an interview format. So here you go, Lana in her own words:
Short bio: I was born in 1967 in California, but spent most of my growing up years in North Carolina and now Washington. I met my husband of 27 years in 9th grade and we married 8 years later, after I finally talked him into it. I always loved fashion, and have a degree in fashion merchandising/business. I spent many years in the retail industry, first as a sales manager and then a buyer. When my first son was born I was able to stay home and did so for 22 years. In 2003 my husband and I started a business, selling and installing door, bath, and cabinet hardware. It’s fun to work together, but challenging. In my free time I like to write, read, travel, and spend time outdoors hiking and skiing.
What is your blog about? Hmm…good question! It started out as a place to write about teenagers, parenting, and preparing for the empty stage of life. I wrote about that for about a year, and then realized that my boys weren’t going to be in this stage for long. That’s when I changed my name and my focus. Ideally, I’d like to write about life after the kids have flown – about how it’s not over. Even though it’s sad in many ways, this stage of life really is a new beginning. So, Midlife Lifestyle, I guess. But FUN midlife, with travel and fashion and good times!
Why did you start blogging? I’ve always loved to write, going back all the way to elementary school. Someday I hope to write a book. In my everyday life, I work with my husband in our hardware business, doing accounting. SOOOOO not exciting, but important and worthwhile, and it pays the bills. I really prefer to do something creative, and wanted to get back to writing. Blogging seemed like good first step.

What is the title of your blog and why? I switched to My New Happy because that’s where I am right now. I spent 22 years giving my all to being a mom, and it made me so happy. I was worried that after Thomas left for college I would be lost. But it’s a whole new stage, and it’s time to work on myself and the new things that make me happy in my day to day life.
What is the most rewarding part of blogging? The connections. I’ve become friends with so many people that I would have never known existed if it hadn’t been for blogging. Meeting Deena and Carrie, and working on the idea for The Blended Blog brought new life to my own blogging. I love that we have this eclectic group of ladies, from all ages and stages of life, working together and becoming friends in the process. TBB is the true definition of Bridging The Gap. Where else can you find a group of ladies from three different decades, hanging out together, shopping, sightseeing - like we did in Toronto? It’s kind of magical.

What makes you the happiest about being your current age? Having time for myself. Which sounds strange, because honestly, at my age, time is kind of running low. But I feel really happy in my marriage, I’ve raised two great boys. For the first time in 30 years I have extra time for me, and I feel like the possibilities are endless. Now I just need to figure out what to do with all that time
What have you learned from the millennials in TBB? First of all, how to figure out social media! Seriously, I’m so technologically challenged, and you guys know instinctively what to do. I love your energy and exuberance for life – sometimes we forget that as we get older. I’ve learned to look at things differently, to take chances and try something new.
Do you have a millennial blogger that has inspired you? I can’t pick just one, but I love all the millennial fashion bloggers. Your ability to style an outfit and take such beautiful pictures is impressive, and continues to elude me. You guys do it like pros!

How can we “bridge the gap” in our non-blogging life? Keeping our eyes open for opportunities to include each other as equals. I’m fortunate to spend a lot of time around my boys’ friends, and they help keep me young in mind and heart. Being receptive to new opportunities and situations, even if we feel uncomfortable. Not judging others for their age, but welcoming their perspective on life.
Now that you know a little more about Lana, here are a few of my favorite posts from her blog:
Be Brave and Skydive
Paris is Always A Good Idea: Day One
Their Mama: Mother's Day Wishes
And thank you, lovely friend, for inviting me to be your millennial in the Bridging the Gap Campaign!
Today is an exciting day with the launch of an unprecedented campaign, “Bridging the Gap,” where 100 Millennial and 100 Midlife Influencers are coming together to blur the boundaries as we believe we are stronger together. We are putting an end to the labels and divisions that no longer serve us as age is simply a number, while it’s your attitude and way of looking at life that truly matters. We are women supporting women, along with a few brave men joining in the celebration. We are coming together to send a powerful message that we choose to be seen for who we are rather than be defined by our ages. We believe in a world without separation. We believe that we are far stronger together. Please join us in this revolutionary campaign as it’s the hearts and souls of the women that truly matter in the end.

My wonderful friend, Lana, from My New Happy so graciously invited me to be a part of this campaign. She chose me as her millennial as we've paired-up for this event. I "met" Lana online when I joined The Blended Blog and then met her in real life when a bunch of TBB'ers joined-up in Toronto in May! What I love about Lana is her calming, positive presence. Spending time with her makes you feel good about life!
Our task for the Bridging the Gap Campaign is to introduce each other on our blogs and we chose to do so in an interview format. So here you go, Lana in her own words:
Short bio: I was born in 1967 in California, but spent most of my growing up years in North Carolina and now Washington. I met my husband of 27 years in 9th grade and we married 8 years later, after I finally talked him into it. I always loved fashion, and have a degree in fashion merchandising/business. I spent many years in the retail industry, first as a sales manager and then a buyer. When my first son was born I was able to stay home and did so for 22 years. In 2003 my husband and I started a business, selling and installing door, bath, and cabinet hardware. It’s fun to work together, but challenging. In my free time I like to write, read, travel, and spend time outdoors hiking and skiing.
What is your blog about? Hmm…good question! It started out as a place to write about teenagers, parenting, and preparing for the empty stage of life. I wrote about that for about a year, and then realized that my boys weren’t going to be in this stage for long. That’s when I changed my name and my focus. Ideally, I’d like to write about life after the kids have flown – about how it’s not over. Even though it’s sad in many ways, this stage of life really is a new beginning. So, Midlife Lifestyle, I guess. But FUN midlife, with travel and fashion and good times!
Why did you start blogging? I’ve always loved to write, going back all the way to elementary school. Someday I hope to write a book. In my everyday life, I work with my husband in our hardware business, doing accounting. SOOOOO not exciting, but important and worthwhile, and it pays the bills. I really prefer to do something creative, and wanted to get back to writing. Blogging seemed like good first step.

What is the title of your blog and why? I switched to My New Happy because that’s where I am right now. I spent 22 years giving my all to being a mom, and it made me so happy. I was worried that after Thomas left for college I would be lost. But it’s a whole new stage, and it’s time to work on myself and the new things that make me happy in my day to day life.
What is the most rewarding part of blogging? The connections. I’ve become friends with so many people that I would have never known existed if it hadn’t been for blogging. Meeting Deena and Carrie, and working on the idea for The Blended Blog brought new life to my own blogging. I love that we have this eclectic group of ladies, from all ages and stages of life, working together and becoming friends in the process. TBB is the true definition of Bridging The Gap. Where else can you find a group of ladies from three different decades, hanging out together, shopping, sightseeing - like we did in Toronto? It’s kind of magical.

What makes you the happiest about being your current age? Having time for myself. Which sounds strange, because honestly, at my age, time is kind of running low. But I feel really happy in my marriage, I’ve raised two great boys. For the first time in 30 years I have extra time for me, and I feel like the possibilities are endless. Now I just need to figure out what to do with all that time
What have you learned from the millennials in TBB? First of all, how to figure out social media! Seriously, I’m so technologically challenged, and you guys know instinctively what to do. I love your energy and exuberance for life – sometimes we forget that as we get older. I’ve learned to look at things differently, to take chances and try something new.
Do you have a millennial blogger that has inspired you? I can’t pick just one, but I love all the millennial fashion bloggers. Your ability to style an outfit and take such beautiful pictures is impressive, and continues to elude me. You guys do it like pros!

How can we “bridge the gap” in our non-blogging life? Keeping our eyes open for opportunities to include each other as equals. I’m fortunate to spend a lot of time around my boys’ friends, and they help keep me young in mind and heart. Being receptive to new opportunities and situations, even if we feel uncomfortable. Not judging others for their age, but welcoming their perspective on life.
Now that you know a little more about Lana, here are a few of my favorite posts from her blog:
Be Brave and Skydive
Paris is Always A Good Idea: Day One
Their Mama: Mother's Day Wishes
And thank you, lovely friend, for inviting me to be your millennial in the Bridging the Gap Campaign!

Oct 14, 2017
Blogging Besties :: Plaid
The Blogging Besties series is the brain child of Alex @ The Cheerful Closet and Whitney @ Whitney à la Mode. In 2015, the series expanded to include yours truly @ My Closet Catalogue and Selah @ A Bibliophile's Style. It's based on the idea of "take one, pass it on," but we're passing on an element from another blogger's outfit. It's a fun challenge that inspires us to be creative!
Last week, Selah looked ready to transition into fall, Daylight Savings time notwithstanding:
This week is brought to you by: “a current favorite accessory, feathers, and plaid”. And for your viewing pleasure, I give you: plaid (of course).

I'm cheating a bit because, if you've been following my other posts, you'll notice something familiar about this outfit. Yes, you're not experiencing déja vu; this ensemble is actually part of my Common Threads challenge, the one I used for my Euro Chic/Posh Eclectic classic white button up look. I really appreciate how this screams professional yet accessible at the same time. The top is crisp and sharp, but is softened by my go-to slouchy cardi. The skirt - potentially severe and school-marm because of the plaid - is mitigated by its being a wraparound, making it reminiscent of British gentry and heathered fields instead. That said, I did give a nod to my academic inclinations by completing the look with pearls and sensible shoes, making the overall vibe lean heavily into teacher territory, but I figure I'm in education stepped in so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er. Might as well work it, eh? For Alex’s turn next week, I challenge her to the following: something white, something oversized, or something sensible. Vive le vendredi!
:: Just the facts, ma’am ::
Shirt – Old Navy
Cardi – Target
Skirt – eBay
Sensible shoes – Hotter
:: Scream it from the top of your lungs ::
Champion by Fall Out Boy

Oct 12, 2017
Thursday Moda: Mustard Cardigans
Oh hey, friends! I have a special treat for you today! I just so happen to be hosting the Thursday Moda link-up with the always-charming Ada from Elegance and Mommyhood!
Ada and I have been blogging pals for years (we even met in real life once) but we've reconnected recently since we are both participating in the Common Threads Challenge. We even realized that we'd chosen some really similar pieces to work with throughout the challenge. We will be featuring a few of these items over the course of the next to Thursday Moda link-ups!
Today we're featuring our mustard cardigans. I don't know about you, but this is a staple in my wardrobe!
Stay tuned to both of our blogs to find-out how we're remixing these cardigans this month. And stop by next week to see how we're wearing v-neck tops and ankle boots!
Ada and I have been blogging pals for years (we even met in real life once) but we've reconnected recently since we are both participating in the Common Threads Challenge. We even realized that we'd chosen some really similar pieces to work with throughout the challenge. We will be featuring a few of these items over the course of the next to Thursday Moda link-ups!
Today we're featuring our mustard cardigans. I don't know about you, but this is a staple in my wardrobe!
Stay tuned to both of our blogs to find-out how we're remixing these cardigans this month. And stop by next week to see how we're wearing v-neck tops and ankle boots!

Oct 11, 2017
Common Threads Challenge: Week 1
We are already one week into the Common Threads Challenge! You know, the style challenge where you choose five pieces to incorporate into each and every outfit you wear during the month of October?
I'm having so much fun with this series! It's getting my creative juices flowing without being too much to handle for this tired teacher brain. Granted, it is only the beginning, there is a chance that I will begin to struggle towards the end of the month.
But I'm trying to plan in advance so that won't happen. I have a list of outfits I've already created in my head that I can pull from as the month progresses. As I'm making this list, I'm making sure that each of my five pieces are represented equally. I've also started a Pinterest board where I'm pinning looks that are easily replicated with my five items and other pieces from my closet.
The only thing I'm struggling with are my days off when I wouldn't necessarily get dressed. Admittedly, on day one (October 1st), I ran a 5k and then spend the rest of the day moving in a sweaty t-shirt and shorts. And today? Today (as in the day I'm writing this) has been the first day I've spent resting at home since July (I'm not exaggerating) so I'm shamelessly still wearing my pajamas. I do have outfits planned for these days so I plan to feature my unworn outfits at the end of the month and vow to wear them in November so that I can say that I fully participated in this challenge!
How are you doing? Are you finding this to be easy or a bit tricky? Are you having fun being creative with your wardrobe or wish you wouldn't have committed to this challenge? Please share your ups and downs with us on our Facebook support page. We're also having fun sharing some of our daily outfits over there!
Now that I've gotten the words out of the way, here are my looks from the first week of the challenge:
October 2nd featuring my Olive Skirt: It's still pretty warm in my neck of the woods but I love that I was able to channel some fall with some autumn hues in this outfit. And it was fun to put this skirt back into rotation since it's been so long since I've worn it. Why did it get shoved into the back of my closet again??
October 3rd featuring my Ankle Boots: The jury is out on this look. While I liked the idea of a pretty dress with these ankle boots, I don't think the combination is quite right. But a really stylish girl I met in the bathroom of a restaurant told me she loved my outfit. So maybe it works? In any case, experimenting is a part of this challenge so I'm glad I tried the outfit!
October 4th featuring my Tunic: I'm finding this challenge is helping me to use lots of pieces I haven't worn lately beyond my chosen five. This vest and pair of ankle boots used to be fall staples so I'm excited to be using them again this fall.
October 5th featuring my Mustard Cardigan: This is my favorite outfit of the challenge so far and it was so simple to put together! Comfy dress + favorite cardigan + scarf = how can you go wrong?
October 7th featuring my Mustard Cardigan: My whole family convened in my hometown this weekend for a number of events including family photos. It's a good thing the decided-upon color combination for the shoot was mustard, burgundy and grey! Mustard cardigan for the win!
October 8th featuring my Mustard Cardigan: And to round out the weekend of festivities, my nephew was baptized on Sunday morning. This cardigan is the only one of my pieces that works for really dressy occasions so I wore it two days in a row. Luckily, cardigans are such a basic staple piece that no one seemed to notice!
Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you'll join us as we continue this really fun challenge! If you're already playing along, make sure to link-up below!

ankle boots,
cognac sandals,
common threads challenge,
floral dress,
lace top,
leopard print,
little black dress,
mustard cardi,
olive skirt,
polka dot dress,
skinny jeans,
Oct 6, 2017
Blogging Besties: Transition
The Blogging Besties series is the brain child of Alex @ The Cheerful Closet and Whitney @ Whitney à la Mode. In 2015 the series expanded to include Maricel @ My Closet Catelogue and me, Selah @ A Bibliophile's Style. It's based on the idea of "take one, pass it on," but we're passing on an element from another blogger's outfit. It's a fun challenge that inspires us to be creative!
Last week, Whitney was radiant in her floral date night look:

The prompts she gave me were "summer-to-fall transition, velvet, or floral for fall".
For these transitional days, I love this lightweight plaid button down. The thin fabric is perfect for the still Summery afternoon temps, but the pattern is decidedly Fall. I'm wearing it over a simple base outfit of white tee, jeans, and nude ballet flats, and I've added my current favorite necklace for interest.Next week, Maricel can choose from her current favorite accessory, feathers, and plaid.
Previous Editions of Blogging Besties

Oct 4, 2017
Common Threads Challenge: The Pieces
It's an exciting day around here, friends! Today is the first link-up of the Common Threads Challenge! Missed the introduction? I am hosting this style challenge with five other fabulous bloggers and we want to inspire you to choose five pieces from your closet to remix every single day during the month of October! You only have to wear one piece per day and you have the rest of your wardrobe to help you in creating unique outfits around your five "common threads." If you need a little bit more in the way of an explanation, check out this post!
Today we are linking-up with the five pieces that we've chosen to wear throughout the month of October. I tried to use a good mix of old and new pieces as well as basics mixed with bolder items. Here are my chosen common threads:
Olive Skirt (similar): After texting back and forth with my friend, Sarah (who is also participating in this challenge), I decided that a skirt would be an easily remixable piece that was different from the other items I had chosen. I picked this olive skirt because I've been digging the color for fall and the skirt hasn't seen much love lately. It's going to see lots of love this month!
Mustard Cardigan: Obviously basics are necessary during this series because they are the easiest pieces to remix. But I wanted to give myself a bit of a challenge by throwing in some interesting items. This cardigan is a bit of both, a staple piece in my wardrobe in a bold color. I'm looking forward to spicing up my outfits with this completer piece.
Skinny Jeans: Alright, I really needed the absolute most basic of pieces to help me through this challenge. I also know that I will be attending several Michigan State football games throughout the month of October so I needed bottoms to go with all of my Spartan tops!
Oatmeal Tunic (similar): I really tried to think ahead to my plans for October when choosing these pieces. I know that there will be weekend days where I'm just bumming around and I wanted a top that would be super comfy with leggings but also easily dressed-up for work. This tunic fit the bill!
Ankle Boots: I excitedly purchased these boots during the Nordstrom sale this summer and have been saving them for fall! Since they are new, I want to get a lot of wear out of them but I'm also finding the color (oliveish grey) to be a bit challenging to work with. I thought that the Common Threads Challenge would be the perfect reason to find lots of ways to style my new boots!
You guys, I haven't been this excited about a style challenge in awhile and I really hope that you will join us! It's not too late to start! If you want to play along, please link-up your chosen pieces below and start documenting your outfits. You can find moral support on Facebook and inspiration from some stylish women on Instagram with the hashtag #commonthreadschallenge.
Today we are linking-up with the five pieces that we've chosen to wear throughout the month of October. I tried to use a good mix of old and new pieces as well as basics mixed with bolder items. Here are my chosen common threads:
Olive Skirt (similar): After texting back and forth with my friend, Sarah (who is also participating in this challenge), I decided that a skirt would be an easily remixable piece that was different from the other items I had chosen. I picked this olive skirt because I've been digging the color for fall and the skirt hasn't seen much love lately. It's going to see lots of love this month!
Mustard Cardigan: Obviously basics are necessary during this series because they are the easiest pieces to remix. But I wanted to give myself a bit of a challenge by throwing in some interesting items. This cardigan is a bit of both, a staple piece in my wardrobe in a bold color. I'm looking forward to spicing up my outfits with this completer piece.
Skinny Jeans: Alright, I really needed the absolute most basic of pieces to help me through this challenge. I also know that I will be attending several Michigan State football games throughout the month of October so I needed bottoms to go with all of my Spartan tops!
Oatmeal Tunic (similar): I really tried to think ahead to my plans for October when choosing these pieces. I know that there will be weekend days where I'm just bumming around and I wanted a top that would be super comfy with leggings but also easily dressed-up for work. This tunic fit the bill!
Ankle Boots: I excitedly purchased these boots during the Nordstrom sale this summer and have been saving them for fall! Since they are new, I want to get a lot of wear out of them but I'm also finding the color (oliveish grey) to be a bit challenging to work with. I thought that the Common Threads Challenge would be the perfect reason to find lots of ways to style my new boots!
You guys, I haven't been this excited about a style challenge in awhile and I really hope that you will join us! It's not too late to start! If you want to play along, please link-up your chosen pieces below and start documenting your outfits. You can find moral support on Facebook and inspiration from some stylish women on Instagram with the hashtag #commonthreadschallenge.

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