The Blogging Besties series is the brain child of Alex @ The Cheerful Closet and Whitney @ Whitney à la Mode. In 2015, the series expanded to include yours truly @ My Closet Catalogue and Selah @ A Bibliophile's Style. It's based on the idea of "take one, pass it on," but we're passing on an element from another blogger's outfit. It's a fun challenge that inspires us to be creative!
Last week, Selah looked ready to transition into fall, Daylight Savings time notwithstanding:
This week is brought to you by: “a current favorite accessory, feathers, and plaid”. And for your viewing pleasure, I give you: plaid (of course).

I'm cheating a bit because, if you've been following my other posts, you'll notice something familiar about this outfit. Yes, you're not experiencing déja vu; this ensemble is actually part of my Common Threads challenge, the one I used for my Euro Chic/Posh Eclectic classic white button up look. I really appreciate how this screams professional yet accessible at the same time. The top is crisp and sharp, but is softened by my go-to slouchy cardi. The skirt - potentially severe and school-marm because of the plaid - is mitigated by its being a wraparound, making it reminiscent of British gentry and heathered fields instead. That said, I did give a nod to my academic inclinations by completing the look with pearls and sensible shoes, making the overall vibe lean heavily into teacher territory, but I figure I'm in education stepped in so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er. Might as well work it, eh? For Alex’s turn next week, I challenge her to the following: something white, something oversized, or something sensible. Vive le vendredi!
:: Just the facts, ma’am ::
Shirt – Old Navy
Cardi – Target
Skirt – eBay
Sensible shoes – Hotter
:: Scream it from the top of your lungs ::
Champion by Fall Out Boy
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