The Blogging Besties series is the brain child of Alex @ The Cheerful Closet and Whitney @ Whitney à la Mode. In 2015, the series expanded to include yours truly @ My Closet Catalogue and Selah @ A Bibliophile's Style. It's based on the idea of "take one, pass it on," but we're passing on an element from another blogger's outfit. It's a fun challenge that inspires us to be creative!
Last week, Selah showed much courage in daring to wear a color that was challenging for her:

The other day, my precocious tween thoughtfully mused that my new aesthetic was a cross "between a 70-year-old grandma and a 6-year-old girl". The 40+ something in me was rather taken aback by this comment. Should I take it as a compliment? An insult? A sign that my daughter is finally developing a sense of style independent of me? When I got over my mommy angst, I was disheartened to realize that it was immediately replaced by mid-life crisis angst. Have I truly gone over to the dark side of sartorial ineptitude? Did my foray into vintage fashion skew my aesthetic entirely? Am I in a fashion slump?! I suppose learning how to sew didn't help matters either. I confess that I chose simple silhouettes to match my seamstress skills, and the easiest things to make are dresses. Trapeze dresses, to be exact. No need to fuss over bust darts or waistline placement. No worries about buttons and buttonholes. Trapeze dresses became my go-to project. (Yes, I sewed the dress I'm wearing for this pictorial.) And yet, despite all the fun I was having finding retro fabric to match the retro 60s vibe, I may have crossed the line from cool into kitsch. I mean, take a look at those buttons, why doncha?

When I think about backing away from the vintage thing, though, I feel a stab of sadness. I like zany prints. I like exaggerated a-lines and fit-and-flare circle skirts. I like peplums and large lapels. I feel pretty wearing throwback pieces. So really, I should just continue doing what makes me happy. After all, I think I'm old enough to have earned the right. And, if anything else, I can always take pictures from far away and Photoshop the heck out of them.

For Alex’s turn next week, I challenge her to the following: zany prints, wedge heels, or a comfortable silhouette. Vive le vendredi!
:: Just the facts, ma’am ::
Dress – made by moi
Wedges – eBay
:: Scream it from the top of your lungs ::
Bloom by The Paper Kites
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