
Jan 29, 2014

Pattern Mixing for Beginners

I've mentioned before (in this post) that I think pattern mixing seems very stylish since it is something that I wouldn't have even attempted before reading style blogs.  There is something so visually stimulating and intentional about a well put-together ensemble featuring multiple patterns.  As my style continues to evolve, there is still something exciting yet nerve-wracking to me about pattern mixing.  I want to mix it up but I'm never quite sure that it looks quite right.

There is one mixed combination that I feel very confident about, however.  You can't go wrong by mixing black stripes with leopard print.  These patterns compliment each other because they are classic and the colors are neutral.

If you want to venture into the world of pattern mixing, I suggest starting here.  Choose a clothing item featuring one of the patterns and an accessory featuring the other like I did for this outfit.  Once you've done this, try adding a boldly colored necklace or blazer to complete your look!

What I'm Wearing:


  1. These patterns definitely go together very easily. I also think it helps feel more "safe" when the patterns aren't directly touching, like in your outfit here!

    1. You're right, Inge. That's also great advice for those who are venturing into the world of pattern mixing!

  2. Fantastic color combination--and the touch of leopard makes the outfit!

    I hope you don't mind, but I'm linking to your blog in my latest post. You inspired me to try out another mascara for its ability to curl, so I wanted to give you a shout out! I don't have a ton of readers, but I think those who do stop by would just love what you're doing on your blog!

    1. Oooh, I'm so excited! Thanks for the shout out :) I will most definitely stop by for another mascara recommendation!
