
Apr 29, 2014

April Budget

For a few months now, I have been grappling with a couple of issues when it comes to shopping and writing a personal style blog:

First of all, there's no doubt about it, I love to shop!  However, I am a teacher and am therefore working with a relatively small budget.  In order to not spend too much money, I tried a few tactics that actually made my shopping habits less healthy.  I would attempt spending freezes where I spent absolutely no money on clothing for a specific period of time.  However this led to binge shopping when the freeze was over.  I don't feel good about this.  And ultimately I don't feel good about constantly wanting more and more clothing when I truly am happy with all of the clothes in my closet.  I know that there are healthy ways out there to enjoy shopping for new pieces while not going overboard with the spending.

Also, I know that I sometimes feel jealous and frustrated when I read blogs and I see these lovely ladies constantly wearing new Tory Burch boots or carrying the latest Kate Spade bag.  I just wish I knew how they could afford these luxurious items!  For this reason, I want to be completely authentic and transparent when it comes to my purchases.

So, I've decided to develop a clothing budget (duh, right?) and I've decided to tell you about it once a month to hold myself accountable.

I looked to the blog J's Everyday Fashion for guidance as to how to set a clothing budget.  J's suggestion is to spend 2%-8% of your income on clothing.  Since I'm on a tight budget when it comes to living expenses, I shot for a budget of approximately 2% of my annual salary.  This means that I have $1,000 to spend on clothing each year.  Now, $1,000 felt like an overwhelming amount to keep track of so I decided to track my spending quarterly.  That means for each three month period, I can spend $250.  Although I do plan to rollover money to the next quarter if I don't spend it all.

Alright, now that I've explained to you my reasoning and budget, let's get down to what I purchased this month!

Blouse: c/o Stitch Fix- $68
Shorts: Old Navy- originally $26.94 but with Gap Card points, $0
Denim Jacket: Old Navy- originally $34.94 but with Gap Card points, $0

Total Spent in March = $68
Remaining Quarterly Budget = $182

The blouse is definitely on the expensive side and I'm not entirely comfortable with how much I spent on it.  However, as I explained here, I've told Stitch Fix to send me less expensive items from here on out so hopefully I won't be spending so much money on one piece in the future.  I had a bunch of Gap Card points saved-up so I decided to use them on some basics.  These shorts are super comfy while still looking nice and I can't wait to wear them when the D.C. temperatures become sweltering.   I mentioned before that I was looking for another denim jacket in a darker wash.  This jacket fit the bill and I've already worn it once!  I can tell that it will be a favorite piece to remix.  I also ordered a few pairs of pants but I'm not yet sure if I'm going to keep them.  If I do, I will include them in my May budget post.

Alright, thanks for letting me get my feelings about shopping and money off of my chest.  Stay tuned for how I continue to use my established clothing budget!



  1. I feel the exact same way about shopping and budget and all that (especially on a teaching budget!) It's amazing what maintaining a shopping budget can do. I've been doing it for over a year now and it's made such a difference in my habits. I spent a lot this month, compared to what I have been lately, and it felt weird! Keeping such close track of my purchases has really made me more aware of what I have and what I don't really need. Good luck with it!

    1. With only a month of budgeting under my belt, I totally agree. I can't tell you how many things I passed-up on this month that I probably would have purchased before. May is my birthday month so I'm anticipating lots of birthday coupons and will therefore be spending a bit more this month.

  2. Whitney, I am so proud of you. I am embarrassed to post what I actually spent the last couple of months lol. That floral top is beautiful though expensive. The 2 items you spent $0 on, make up for that expensive top. Love the dark wash Denim Jacket. =)

    Enjoy all your new beautiful pieces in good health!

    1. Thanks so much, Ada! Several months ago, I too would have been embarrassed to admit what I'd spent on clothing. Even though budgeting is hard, I already feel better about myself!

  3. I think it's really great that you've started a budget. I have been budgeting for almost 2 years, and not only has it helped a lot with the feelings of just buying to buy and wanting more and more, but it has set me up to be in a lot better of a place financially. I also do the quarterly budget, and I find it works out better than a monthly one does since you can spend a little more one month and less the next. Plus Kate Spade does have plenty of huge surprise sales every once in a while if you're ever wanting to spend a portion of that budget on a new bag :)

    1. I'm so glad to hear about everything you've achieved through budgeting because I'm looking to achieve those same goals. Not to mention, being able to afford Kate Spade does sound pretty good :)

  4. Welcome to budgeting! I've only been doing it a few months and it's changing the way I make impulse purchases. My budget number is really arbitrary, but it just makes me feel more in control that I know what I bought and how much I spent. (Plus, aren't reward points great? I have about $50 stored up at Old Navy to buy some summer staples soon!)

    1. Reward points are pretty amazing! Plus, for some reason, I'm even pickier about how I use them than I am with money. I feel like I have to buy something special with my "free money."

  5. wow - you did AMAZING. I did less than the opposite of amazing. haha. i think everything you got is fabulous and classic and more staple pieces than some pieces i bought.

    1. Thank you! It helps that I gave up shopping for Lent so I really couldn't buy anything for the first half of the month. May is going to be a little bit more expensive since it is my birthday month and I plan on using all of those birthday coupons coming my way!

  6. Being on a budget has helped me so much! I wish I could splurge on Tory Burch and Kate Spade, too. I've been trying so hard to put aside money every month so I could get a new bag and now that I could, I don't want to! I worked hard saving all that and I don't want to spend it on one purchase now! haha!

    1. Wow! That's really cool that budgeting and saving has had such an effect on you (although you should splurge every once in awhile)!

  7. I can totally relate to you about the whole budgeting thing, Whitney. I've been doing it for over a year now, and while I still have rougher months, I think that keeping a close eye on my purchases and spending has really helped me to tailor my closet to include only things that I LOVE and/or NEED. I have far fewer clearance impulse buys these days, which has done wonders for my bank account :) I'm starting to really love everything in my closet and feeling like there are lots of mix-and-match pieces that I can wear and re-wear in many ways. It's helped me to define and refine my personal style as well! I'm glad you're starting to track - I can't wait to follow along!!

    1. I know what you mean after only one month! I've walked away from so many things that I would have bought before because I just don't LOVE them enough to use my preciously budgeted money. I can see how this will create a really well put together closet!

  8. Good for you for taking control of your budget!

  9. Budgeting has helped me a lot! I do a monthly budget, but then I let it roll over from month to month, so sometimes I spent a little less and then a little more. I think it's really helpful to realize that everything is a trade off. If I buy this $10 top, I might not be able to buy something I want more next week. And writing up the details each month helps put some perspective, too. When I look at my budget posts from the last year and a half, I can see which things I ended up regretting, and which things ended up being smart. Hopefully I will keep learning from that!

    1. Being able to reflect on previous purchases is something that I didn't even think about! Now I'm even more glad I'm trying this budget thing!

  10. You did great - I love that blouse!

  11. I'm with you...I always want more and then feel guilty for wanting more. And how do this girls always buy such expensive items? I'm a big TJ Maxx and Marshalls shopper so I can get a good deal on designer clothes. That top was kind of expensive but totally cute and worth it!

    1. That's my question exactly! Haha. I've never quite mastered TJ Maxx shopping. I feel like I never find anything good when I go. Any tips??

  12. This is actually SUCH a good idea for keeping to a fashion budget! I might have to (read: must) create my own to help squander cyber sale temptations. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I used to have a serious online shopping problem...until I realized that I actually missed shopping in real life. Now I try to limit my shopping to in stores most of the time!

  13. Good luck with your budgeting! I've found it's easier to stick to when you put it on the internet. :)

    ~Sarah of Sarah's Real Life

    1. I agree! Much more embarrassing if you have to admit to cheating on your budget to a bunch of readers!
