
Jun 29, 2016

New Summer Style Series

Well friends, Create28 with The Blended Blog is coming to a close!  I hope that you were able to use our prompts as little bursts of inspiration while getting dressed this month.  Did you create any new outfits with us?  Please link them up below!

If you did play along with us, what were your favorite prompts?  Make sure to visit TBB today for the final week's review.  What were your favorite looks from TBB contributors?

Now that Create28 is wrapping-up, those of us at TBB would like to invite you to participate in our style series this summer!  It's kind of like a "create your own adventure" story but for your outfit!  Just choose one descriptor from each of the columns above to create an ensemble!

We will still be hosting style link-ups every Wednesday for you to show-off your creations!  And you can post your outfits on Instagram any day of the week with #theblendedblogstyle.  So tell me, will you pick, pair, share with us this month?

And don't forget to link-up below!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.