For today's dress look, I'm re-wearing this super comfy dress that I recently ordered from Old Navy. Truth be told, it was $15 and I ordered it to reach the minimum amount for free shipping. And what do you know?! It turned out to be my favorite piece in the order! The shape is flattering, the fit is comfortable and the material! You guys, it's so soft!
Also new to my closet are these classic Converse sneakers and I just can't stop wearing them! Typically I would wear ballet flats or wedges with a dress but I love how the sneakers make this look more casual and playful! This is really stepping out of the (shoe) box for me and it feels good to be creative!
Seeing as today is Monday, I hope you are ready to link-up all of your Create28 looks from the past week! Show us what you've got! Also, check back tomorrow for Dresses Part 2.
What I'm Wearing:
Dress: Old Navy (exact)