Feb 17, 2016

Create28: Simply Me

Hi! I'm Sarah and I blog over at Foxy's Domestic Side, where I pretend I'm not an Engineer and try to do domestic things. I was so excited when Casey asked me to join in on the Create 28 with a "Simple Me" look. As soon as she asked me I got to thinking about what outfit is "Simply Me". As the days past, I came up with nothing. Then this weekend, as I was getting ready to take my outfit pictures and I looked down at what I had picked out to do errands with the kids...and you know what? That outfit was simply me, the outfit I was wearing to do errands with the kids. So I set up the tripod and took pictures just as I was.

I know, shorts and a t-shirt in February, but really that's what I was wearing on Saturday. When the weather is cooler, I wear almost the same thing, just add pants and a simple statement necklace.

My hair, I have been trying to do more, this day I pulled two pieces of side hair, wrapped them together with a hair tie and then turned the half pony inside out a few times to create a simple twist.

So that's Simply Me: shorts/jeans, shirt and a statement necklace. Thanks for having me ladies!
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