Feb 26, 2016

Blogging Besties: Of Agent Carter and the 1940s

Well, hullo, hullo, my little duckies! Last week, Alex looked utterly charming in her professional ensemble:

So this week is brought to you by: “stripes, blazer, navy, statement jewelry, tights, and wedges”. For your viewing pleasure, I give you: stripes, a blazer, navy, and statement jewelry.

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In the month since we last saw each other, several monumental things happened that led to my current fashion metamorphosis:
  1. I caught the pernicious bug that's been going around. It laid me out flat for six days, the most I've ever been out from work in the eighteen years I've been teaching.
  2. I was so weak that I didn't leave my bed in those six days - not even to eat.
  3. But my mind was strong, if my body was not, so to keep from going stir crazy, I ended up watching the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) franchise in perfect order. (Yes, even especially the TV shows.)
And as I plowed through superheroes and epic battles and aliens and high-tech gadgetry, the one character that captivated my imagination was the indomitable Peggy Carter. Originally set up to be Captain America's beau in the first Cap film, Peggy ended up being such a strong lead in her own right that they granted her her own TV show. Binge watching the brilliant but woefully underrated and under-advertised Agent Carter made me long for the days of yore. It didn't hurt that Hayley Atwell, who plays the titular role, is stunning and dominates the scene every time she's on screen, and that the show's costume designer, Giovanna Ottobre-Melton, has an impeccable sense of style. So of course, when I was finally well enough to function, I went balls out. I created a Big Band station on Pandora. I researched and subsequently made lunches based off 1940s menus. I forced myself to learn how to use a curling iron so I could do a proper - if haphazard - 1940s 'do. I painted my nails a shameless scarlet and even bought the exact shade of lipstick Peggy uses on the show. And - surprise, surprise! - I scoured Poshmark and eBay for any and every conceivable piece that would give me a brand-new vintage wardrobe sans the vintage price. After some careful shopping and some serious re-evaluation of my current closet, I can proudly say that I have enough pieces to keep me retro happy until the end of the school year. How perfect, then, that Alex's fashion prompts coincided with one of my 40s outfits. I tried to work the filters to show you that the suit really is navy - it photographed quite dark in the light I had available - and I took a close-up so you can see the blazer's clever use of sharp, detailed stripes (almost chevron-like in the placement, doncha think?). The statement necklace is a newly-acquired St. Jude medal. I purchased it when I realized I'd never be able to find an exact replica of Peggy's Carter family crest pendant, so I chose something that would be more personal and meaningful to me. Much more appropriate for everyday wear and less cosplay-esque, right? And at least I got the earrings pretty darned close. Anyhow, Selah's challenge for next week is comprised of the following: pearl earrings, silk, tassels, or red. Vive le vendredi!

:: Just the facts, ma’am :: Silk top – Dialogue via Poshmark Suit – Tahari Tasseled loafers – Born via Poshmark
:: Scream it from the top of your lungs :: Mambo Italiano by Rosemary Clooney
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