Feb 26, 2016

Create28: Outerwear

It's slightly ironic that I'm writing a post about outerwear on a day that I don't plan to leave my apartment.  I have been curled up with a good book, my favorite coffee and Girl Scout Cookies all day because we have a SNOW DAY (our first this year...thanks, Mother Nature)!

But, with the exception of today, outerwear is a huge part of my wardrobe during the winter months.  Actually, it seems almost silly to worry about a cute outfit while running errands these days because it stays hidden the entire time.  A cute coat, on the other hand?  Now that is a smart style investment when you spend your winter in a colder climate!

There are so many cute coats out there!  And while I'll admit to having more than one, I do try to resist the temptation to buy all the adorable coats on the market.  I mean, how many coats does one girl truly need?

One way that I resist that coat temptation is to change-up my coat looks with fun cold-weather accessories!  First, choose a good quality coat that you love.  My parents purchased this plum number from Land's End for me for Christmas a couple of years ago.  I love the rich color that adds interest but is still classic enough to work at various occasions and for years to come.

I wear this cozy knit, winter white accessory set when I'm going to a nicer event or evening out.  The traditional look and neutral color lends an air of class to the ensemble and doesn't clash with the dressier clothes that I have on underneath.  You won't find this exact set in stores because my grandma knit these pieces for me!  Isn't she talented?!  I enjoy choosing outerwear accessories that have sentimental value because it makes going outside in the cold a little bit more fun!

This is more of an everyday outerwear look for me!  The pieces are super functional and warm but I think they are still pretty cute and fun.  And again with the sentimental value, I purchased these mittens in Iceland so wearing them reminds me of a fun travel adventure!

And finally, this is more of a statement look.  I would wear this to an activity where I'm spending significant amounts of time outside and my outerwear look is doing the talking.  The bold colors are super fun and really change the look of the coat from the last two photos.

What outerwear are you wearing this winter?  Do you practically live in a coat or are you in a warmer climate where it's only sometimes necessary?  Do you own lots of coats or do you change up your looks with accessories?

My snow day companion and photo shoot assistant is the best! #crazycatlady

Don't forget to share your Create28 looks with us at our Monday link-up or on Instagram (#create28winterlooks)!  And this season's challenge is almost complete!  Join us tomorrow to see how Shaunacey styles olive pants!

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